Approaching someone for the first time is tough and nerve
wrecking but the result is infinitely worth the risk. Many men have tried and
tried really hard yet failed miserably at starting up a conversation with a
woman they just come across either at a party, a bar or on the street. When it
comes to starting a conversation with a girl one just met, some guys wonder;
should I go with a cool pick up line or some confident walk up followed by some
smooth talking. Well either could work but many times it won`t because you are
predictable. Why? That is the same exact thing most guys will do and women are
probably already sick and tired of cheesy pick up lines. You have to come with
a different approach one that keeps her surprises her yet makes her
comfortable. Warm her up to the conversation, let her know you intend to walk
up to her and say hello to her, allow your eyes do the initial talking, give
her sweet stares( not the I want you in bed stare- just I admire you stare). If
she reciprocates your stare, it means she is anticipating you and wondering
when you are going to walk up to her- This will actually build up the
excitement and make her wait for you instead. Now if you decide to make the
move and crack up a conversation with her here are a few pointers on how to
start up a conversation with a girl [if you are still struggling with shyness around women then you
must: Swallow the frog and overcome shyness with women]
Approach the girl with a smile (there is nothing more
charming than warm and sincere smile) and say hello. Tell her your name and ask
for hers; Keep it simple. A genuine polite greeting beats a cheesy pick up line
any day.
Asking a girl how she’s doing doesn’t only make a good
impression, it tells her that you are genuinely interested in her. A polite
“how is your day going?” is a nice way to get her talking.
You can comment about the weather, class work or event
depending on where you are meeting her. Just make your comment be more like a
question so you can get her opinion
Now ask her an unusual/thought provoking question. This will
surely break the ice as she is both surprised and impressed at the same time.
Ask something like “if you had the power to change something on earth what
would that be?” or what are the top three places you would like to visit before
you grow old?
Bringing up controversial topics such as politics or
religion can make her feel uncomfortable or even get her angry. Talk about
nature, weather and wild life or even history. These topics are less sensitive.
Avoid questions that can be answered with simple yes or no.
try to ask more open-ended questions that require longer, more thoughtful
Now is the time to throw in some sweet compliment to make
her feel like a princess but be careful your compliments don’t sound lame and
out of place. It’s best you channel your compliment along the line of your
discussion. Tell her, how smart her answers to your questions were or tell her
you nice and friendly she is for talking to you. If she smile s to any of your
compliments then add how lovely her smile is, don’t get carried away, one or
two precise compliment is probably all that you need.
If you have follow the previous steps well, she’s probably
already comfortable talking to you by now so try to throw in a personal
question-it will tell her you want to get to know her better. However, don’t go
on and on with your questions- the goal is to engage her not intrude.
Open up about yourself give the girl more and more reasons
to like you. Respond to her questions and let her get to know you a little. But
don’t get carried away talking about yourself nobody likes anyone that is full
of themselves even if you are, you don’t want to show her that now.
It is important to maintain eye contact before and during
the conversation. If she notice you are looking away she might take it you are
not interested in the conversation or she’s boring you. Don’t send the wrong
message. Keep that smile on your face and maintain a good eye contact.
I hope these tips work well for you……………… of luck