Insomnia is defined as the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep a long as desired. This is a sleep disorder that millions of people all over the world struggle constantly with it people with insomnia have difficulty either falling asleep or stay asleep for long enough to completely relax the body thus they wake up still feeling fatigued. It is often thought of as a symptom that can accompany several medical and psychiatric disorders. The common causes of Insomnia include;
Poor sleep hygiene such as
Eating just before sleeping
Exercise prior to sleep
Going to be hungry
Doing work in bed-can trigger insomnia in persons
Certain medical conditions can induce insomnia
Congestive heart failure,
Chronic pain,
Acid reflux
Parkinson’s disease e.t.c
If insomnia is caused by any of these medical conditions, it’s best to seek professional help fast.
It is often said that there is no sleep for the eyes whilst the mind is still awake.  An unsettled mind would find it pretty difficult to fall asleep. Hence conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress, post traumatic stress disorder can cause insomnia.
Other likely causes of insomnia include
Menopause, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, fever, pain, illicit drug use, excess caffeine in the system, smoking alcohol intoxication, grief, physical discomfort, jet lag, un-familiar environment.
 Insomnia is very common and affects people of all ages however it is most rampant in elderly. Insomnia is commonly separated into three types:
TRANSIENT INSOMNIA: It is very short phase of sleeplessness, lasting less than a week in most cases
ACUTE INSOMNIA:  Acute insomnia also called short-term insomnia or stress related insomnia, it is the inability to consistently initiate or maintain sleep for a short period of time (less than a month, usually for about three weeks).
CHRONIC INSOMNIA: As the name goes, it is the highest form of insomnia usually lasting over a month. The majority of chronic insomnia are secondary thus they are symptoms of other health conditions or diseases. People with high levels of stress hormones or shifts in the levels of cytokines are more vulnerable to chronic insomnia
Insomnia is a very difficult condition on its own, yet it causes several other Psychological and Physical harm to people suffering from it. Some of the very ugly side effects on insomnia include
1.     OBESITY
Recent research focused on the link between sleep and the peptides [Ghrelin and Leptin] that regulates appetite (Ghrelin stimulates hunger and Leptin signals satiety to the brain and suppress appetite) show that reduced sleep time is associated with decrease in Leptin and increase in Ghrelin levels thus stimulating appetite and not just appetite, it increases the cravings for high-fat and high-carbohydrate foods. People who sleep less than six hours a day are almost 30% more likely to become obsess than those who slept seven to nine hours (2004 study).
In a 2007 study of 10,000 people, those with insomnia were five times more likely to get depressed compared to others without insomnia. Insomnia and depression are twin-evil and most often accompany each other, Sleep loss often aggravates the symptoms of depression, and depression can make sleeping more difficult.
Research conducted by sleep specialist, have shown that sleep-deprived individuals have lower libidos and less sex interest.
Lack of sleep affects ones interpretation of things and events thus affecting ability to make good judgment of things.
It is important to get quality sleep if you want to keep your memory sharp.  An American and French research conducted in 2009 to determine that brain events called “sharp wave ripples” are responsible for consolidating memory, the ripples also transfer learned information from the hippo campus to the neo-cortex of the brain, where long term memories are stored; Sharp wave ripples occur mostly during the deepest levels of sleep.
Persistent sleep loss can lead to lackluster skin, fine lines and dark circles may start to appear under the skin. When you don’t sleep right, your body reacts by releasing more stress hormone (cortisol). The cortisol released can break down the skin collagen (which is the protein that keeps the skin smooth and elastic). Sleep loss can also impair growth.
Although insomnia can be a symptom of some health conditions, chronic insomnia can put one at risk of several deadly health problems such as:
Heart disease
Heart attack/ failure
High blood pressure
8.     DEATH
Well we had it coming, with all the complications that accompany chronic insomnia it is no surprise to see that at the end of it. A research on 100,00 British civil servants in 2007, showed that those who reduced their sleep time from 7 to 5 hours or less at night, had a doubled risk of death compared to others who had a  lengthy sleep. 

The good news however is that insomnia itself is very treatable, do consult your doctor or psychiatrist for professional help. Many people with insomnia feel more refreshed when they get proper treatment and finally begin to sleep properly….Good Luck!!!