If your aim is to be lively and robust in your 80s and 90s, you'll need to learn some anti-aging secrets that focus on the mind, body and spirit. You are an integrated model -- there are many aspects of a healthy life that rely on each other. Anecdotal information and science have both shown this to be true [source: Luskin]. Crush the spirit and the body will follow. Stimulate the mind and your mood will lighten. Exercise the body and your mind will be sharper. In many ways, these anti-aging tips are interdependent.
It is true that one of the biggest keys to a long and healthy life is choosing your parents wisely. That, of course, isn't truly a choice, [it’s not like we get to pick who our parents would be] but it is wise to acknowledge the enormous role that heredity plays in health. But the good news is you're not a slave to your family's past. New research shows that the brain has an amazing amount of plasticity [source: Doidge]. Impending health conditions can be planned for and bypassed. Even mood and perspective can be relearned and practiced for Stress-Avoidance [ Stress- that word always seem to jump out  in every health condition] Truth is if you really want to lead a long and fulfilled life you must understand how to manage stress.
You can play a role in the length and quality of your life. You just have to learn how -- and take action. Here are really simple ways to make your skin look younger and take ages off your physique. No going under the knife, No costly surgeries or extensive treatments:

ü Protect Your Skin From The Harmful Rays Of The Sun.
One of the top culprits of premature skin aging is unprotected exposure to the sun. Sun worshippers, beware. Sun damage is cumulative so every time you expose your skin to the sun unprotected, your rate of developing wrinkles, age spots, and skin discolorations would be much higher and not to mention, much faster. To protect your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun, it's very important to wear sunscreen every time you are going out. It is very important though to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 to get the most benefits. A non broad-spectrum sunscreen just won't cut it. It's also good to wear protective clothing and accessories especially if you are staying out for long periods of time outside. Avoiding the sun when it rays are the strongest is still the best, but if you just can’t  stay away from the sun, ensure you are protected, reapply your sunscreen every two hours especially if you're doing outdoor activities. Be careful though not all sunscreen are quite good for your skin. No matter how companies market their sunblock as age defying, many sunscreens contain Retinyl Palmitate or Retinol, which when exposed to sunlight, increases one's cancer risk. There are also many that contain harmful Parabens, PABA, Oxybenzone and Avobenzone. It is wise to use sunblock when you will be massively exposed for hours under the sun, but not when you're just going to the office. Instead, stock up on healthful foods that offer sun protection like Omega 3s. You may also want to supplement with Omega 3 Products. Not only do they keep your heart healthy, it also lends moisture and can make your skin look younger.

ü Stay Away From Sugar
Simple carbohydrates and white foods including rice, pasta, white bread, and refined sugar are easily broken down into sugar. This sugar bonds with proteins to result to a process called advanced Glycation, wherein the body's natural collagen - proteins that keep the skin firm and elastic - swell up and harden, thus causing wrinkling.

ü Exercise
Regular aerobic exercise is a must-do for anyone committed to slowing the aging process. Hundreds of studies show that exercise combats the loss of stamina, muscle strength, balance and bone density that increases with age. The American Heart Association advises doing a single set of 8to 15 repetitions, using 8 to 10 exercises, two to three times a week for a comprehensive strength-building program.

ü  Watch Your Diet
Poor dietary choices can inflame skin cells and causes sagging, wrinkles and premature aging. Protect your skin by consuming vitamin- and antioxidant-rich foods. Beta-carotene rich foods like sweet potatoes and carrots keep the skin smooth and moist. Oily fish like salmon is a rich source of Astaxanthin, which counters free radicals that destroys skin cells and cause premature aging. Tomatoes have Lycopene and Citrus fruits contain Bioflavonoids (apart from collagen-regenerating vitamin C), antioxidants that prevent cell damage from sunlight exposure. Leafy vegetables also offer protection against sun damage. Add quality wine to your diet, Red wine particularly ones made from grapes, are a rich source of antioxidants, grape seed oil and resveratrol that make your skin look younger

ü Clean and Moisturize Your Skin
Daily cleansing and moisturizing are essential to achieving healthy and young looking skin. It removes trapped dirt and oil from your pores and helps keep your skin supple and well hydrated. It's very important though to use products that suit your skin type. Avoid strong soaps and facial products that strip away your skin's natural oils and instead, use mild cleansers. Go all natural if possible. It's also good to indulge in monthly facial skin treatments to keep your skin in tip top shape.


ü Sleep

You may have heard people say "I'll sleep when I die." Truth is their lack of sleep may actually precipitate death. Oops! I don’t mean to be so blunt but that’s true. Research shows that if you sleep less than six hours a night, you are at far greater risk of having a heart attack or experiencing a stroke [source: Roizen and Oz]. What's more, your mind seems to deteriorate at a faster pace.
On an emotional level, a lack of sleep makes you less peaceful and more prone to anger. Sicknesses related to viral infections are also more prevalent among people lacking proper rest. Eight hours of sleep each night is important for your current physical health, as well as your mood and your longevity [source: Roizen and Oz].

Smoking is a vice that benefits no one. Apart from putting your health at risk, smoking can also make you look much older than you actually are. Every puff of that stick narrows the tiny blood vessels in the outermost layers of the skin, which in effect significantly decreases the flow of blood. As we all know, the blood supplies our body with the essential nutrients that it needs. A decrease in blood flow can deplete the skin of all the oxygen and nutrients that is important to maintain healthy looking skin. It damages collagen and Elastin, which are the two important fibers that give the skin its elasticity and suppleness. Without it, lines on your face would be much more pronounced and you'll have an overall sullen aura that is not attractive at all. Do your skin a favor and quit smoking before it's too late.