If you are in a very good relationship right now and you are worrying how to ensure it doesn't turn sour like your previous relationships or other relationships you have witnessed. Then this article should interest you. One thing you should know is that you are not alone in your fears they are several people even married couples that seek the same thing. Well it’s pretty understandable with the increasing amount of divorce around the world one begins to wonder what happened to all that love the couple had for each other just a couple of years, months even weeks ago? If you have followed divorce cases closely you will notice couple [divorcing couples] say things like their partners suddenly became a different person entirely. I used to think that was just a lame excuse to wanting out of a relationship but after I gave some divorce cases a closer look I notice that it was no excuse. These couples really did “change”. But there is one angle many people never seem to consider- nobody is changing, what you are seeing is what the person truly is. The dark part he/she have kept buried when the relationship was at its earliest stage or the mask your partner wore just to get your attention is gradually fading away and you realize that what is behind the mask isn't pretty to say the least. In the midst of these fracas and hypocrisy, the question we find ourselves asking is where on earth can I find a lasting relationship one where I know for sure that no one is playing with my feelings or pretending to be something they are not.

 We all want to be in a peaceful loving relationship, for one a healthy, loving relationship can enhance many aspects of your life, from your emotional and mental well-being to your physical health and overall happiness. So how do you find one or better still how do you turn yours into the kind of relationship you've always dreamed of?

First, you must acknowledge the fact that you are not perfect, hence do not expect your partner to be perfect in all their doings. If you are honest about to yourself there are certain things you do or ways you act that you aren't too proud of, so learn to accept that there will be things he/she will do that you will not like but you can either make them change or at least learn to live with it. It will help ease a lot pressure from both parties.
Each human has a unique personally, we differ from others in a lot of ways, we have different temperament, different up- bringing and most importantly different perspective to life. Instead of trying to force someone to always see things the you do or trying so hard to make yourself view life form another person’s perspective. I advice you: Appreciate the other person’s point of view no matter how it appears to you then you calmly [hey I said calmly-I know some guys are like calmly? YES calmly- She is your lady and you are a gentleman] explain yours. You will be amazed how much you can share and learn together this way.

Be patient, this is especially for those starting a new relationship, I know patience is a virtue that few men possess and when it comes to relationships, we just want things to move with the speed of light. That is not always the best thing- consider the possibility that he/she might just be coming out of a bad relationship, and of course they might still be hurting. Must people start a new relationship when an old one ends because it is generally believed that that is the easiest way to forget their ex. Am not saying it’s a bad idea what I do know for sure is; the only one thing for sure that heals pain and broken hearts it’s TIME. So give your new partner time, let them open up to you little by little at their own pace.
 Yes you may try a little pressing for answers but don’t over- do it. Each time you press for answers or pry into their past make sure you send the proper message; you are doing it because you care and you just want to share more together. But like I said take things slow.

Spend quality time together, I know it sounds so cliché even a friend of mine was told me “it doesn't work, it’s just cliché I spent so much time with my last girl still it didn't work”. The one question I asked him was you- guys spent so much time together doing what? Yes not just spending the time together, it’s what you do together that counts, do you do things that will help you learn more about each other, help the relationship grow? Or you just spend time meeting your selfish sexual needs. When I say spend time together, I don’t mean. Spend all day in bed or just going to the movies. Hey don’t get me wrong, sex is good for any normal relationship so is going to the movies but if you really want your time together to add quality to your relationship you should consider spending time together alone, go somewhere where she will be your only focus and he will be your only focus. Some place where you won’t be distracted by the large cinema screen. A quiet time in a serene environment will get you and your partner relaxed and you guys can really discuss what matters- “your relationship”. Also if there is any particular activity or hobby that you both engage in you should do it together for fun AND for God sake if your partner doesn't like football there is no point forcing him/her to a football game. Mutual enjoyment is always important.

Yes please, the reason why humans have this advanced vocal cord is to communicate. Don’t expect your partner to read the signs you give them. For some reasons he/she might just not pay attention or might even misinterpret your signs. Please help your partners make your relationship a lasting one. Tell them how you feel, if you are happy, express it let they know. When you are sad let them know when he/she says things that hurt you, get off your pride and tell him/her. I once spent some weeks with a couple that were keeping malice. That was a very long time ago yet I still remember each day. the reason why I always remember that couple is because they are like the “strangest” couple I have ever seen , you talk to the husband and each time he’s supposed to mention the wife’s name or he wants me to get something from his wife he just points to her and if she isn't near, he points in her direction. It was totally dumb. Be open. Express yourself. You ever wonder why kids are always happy- they express themselves.

This is the best way to give your partner the impression that you consider them a huge part of your life. It’s not enough to tell them you are one big part of my life or my world is incomplete without you. Show it, and the best way to do that is to involve them in your life plans. Involving your partner in your life plans re assures them that you consider him/her for the long time that you want to build a life with him/her also learn to take his/her advice am not saying let someone else plan your life for you but there are times when you realize you need someone to help make a big decision, that is the time you show him/her you take his/her counsel serious. Nobody likes giving advice to people who wouldn't take them seriously. Make your partner feel important in your life.

This is one big problem with some if not most men, I hear men say “women talk too much” but in return the women say “men never listen” the truth is it’s not a problem of women talking too much or men not listening, it just that women talk more than a man is built to listen at a time. Men are very logical beings while women are more emotional, as much as the woman see the need to detail every event as it unfold from A.M to P.M a man is wore interested in the important things that mark the day. So my advice is especially for the women as tempting as it is to fill your man will your day to day activity as it unfold try as much as you can to direct more of your focus to the most important things. That way you keep his attention in the discussion and for the men I beseech you, please take it as a challenge to listen more to her.