Most people don’t pay much
attention to a first date. They feel it’s just a casual meeting to find out if
they are compatible with the other person, but that is not all that a first date
is. First dates are usually what sets the tone of the relationship. Score a
perfect first date and your date will be eager for a second and will be more
open to take the relationship to a higher level. But a very boring first date
will limit your chances of a second date. In other to hit the bull’s eye on a
first date you should have a creatively planned first date that
will wow your date.
During the course of your date
they are signs your date will give, this signs are more like body expressions
if he/she is having a good time or not. Here are some signs your date is having
a good time with you:
If your date is into you
and is having fun. You can tell by their sitting posture. If your date is
leaning towards you, it means they are enjoying the conversation and are excited
to be with you. Another positive posture is when your date sits back in a
relaxed manner and gives you the calm, sexy look. That is a sign of
comfort-your date is very comfortable with you.
When your date stares
deeply into your eyes during a conversation or you notice them just giving you
that long stare it’s a way of telling you he/she admires you and wants to get
closer to you.
If your date enjoys your
company, they’d have no problem discussing some personal stuff with you. truth
is we all seek to connect with people and hence we strike that connection we
want to share cause we all have a lot inside us that we’d like to share. If
you’re able to make your date comfortable and connect with them, they’d always have
something to share with you.
During conversation, if
your date get overly excited when both of you share similar interest in things,
it means they’re obviously happy to know you both the same interest in things.
Another positive sign
your date is having a good time/enjoying your company is when they draw closer
to you during the course of the date. When your date adjusts their sitting
position to move even closer to you or walk really close to you almost as if
you are attached at the hip. Then you know they are getting very comfortable
with you.
A person who is
infatuated by your presence can’t help smiling during the date. You’d notice
they give you warm smiles when you’re saying something. That is an
encouragement. Your date likes you and likes what you’re saying.
If your date laughs at
the smallest jokes you make or blush when you compliment them then he/she digs
you big time.
If your date looks for
ways to stretch the date either by bringing up more conversations or finishing
their dessert real slow, it means the person doesn’t want the date to end just
yet meaning the person is enjoying your company.
If you date ask you when
next they can see you again. Or hints about next time both of you can get
together. Your date is probably falling for you already.
While saying goodbye
after the date, watch your dates expression and body language. If your date
looks back at you more than once while walking away, they probably don’t even
want to say goodbye just yet.
If you date holds your
hand softly and takes their time letting go of you or just find some reason to
remain with you even after saying goodbye, the person probably wants to do more
than just say good bye.