Many random thoughts race through our brains every single moment of the day. Some of these thoughts make sense but most make no sense at all. A few are perhaps practical thoughts about what we should be shopping or doing now, tomorrow or next week, reminding ourselves of this or that and that's perfectly OK because it's reasonable and is helpful to us. A few thoughts are reflections perhaps about what we did and what we could have done better, or contemplation and reflections about some word or sentence we heard or picked up somewhere, maybe it was a movie we saw. This is good for us because it expands our mind and horizon opening up new venues of creative thoughts and ideas. But and here lies the danger, most of our thoughts are plain stupid, useless and senseless, negative and, therefore, are self destructive and self sabotaging thoughts. It is these negative thoughts that keep us enslaved in a world of negativity blocking our way from moving freely forward to a happier space of being.
Some lucky people have actually managed to cross over this invisible barrier to stop being slaves of their thoughts and have actually managed to learn to gain control over their negative thinking patterns enough to eliminate them. They have managed to escape from the prison of negative thinking and it's misery. How is that possible you may ask? How did they manage to do that? I can't do that, or can I really stop my negative thoughts?
The answer is yes you can! Believe it or not yes you can! There's a little technique involved and some work to do in the process of course; but first you need to recognize the fact that you are a slave to your negative inner thoughts; you need to have the genuine desire to put an end to your life of negativity; make the decision, invest some time, will power and effort, and be persistent until you have succeeded. Keep on trying again and again and before you know it your life will be taking a different course to a path of fun, laughter and abundance in every way that you can imagine.
Here are a few hints to help you on your way. The rest is up to you.
·         Stop feeling irritated about anything or anyone. Stop complaining about anything and everything. Nothing is more annoying than to be with people who find fault with every situation and with everybody. From now on you accept people as they are and you take things in your stride whether you like or not. Remember you might be doing things to irritate or upset other people too, would you like it if they were mean or rude to you? No you wouldn't, you would be hurt. So try to keep that in mind. The world does not evolve around you. Instead you try to fit in and to contribute good vibes wherever you go. You are here to make the world a better place whenever and wherever you can.

·         Stop surrounding yourself with negative people who know nothing else but to complain about everything. If you can't remove them from your life and you are forced to spend time with them, then try this approach. Every time they open their mouth, smile and say something positive. For example how great nature is, talk about wonderful, marvelous, fun stuff and laugh... Do not allow yourself to be sucked into their negative drama. These people are polluting the air with their negative energy. Interrupt them. Ignore what they say. You'll be helping them by not listening to them.

·         Surround yourself with positive happy people who love life and who love themselves. They tend to appreciate the fact that they are alive. They are the ones who spread good energy around them and you want some of that good energy so you can spread it around yourself.

·         Do not watch the news or read about the daily catastrophes in the world. Of course you can read the headlines, take note of that to keep up with the general news of the day, but you don't need to read or know about or listen to the awry details. You can find plenty of news on line about happy happenings all over the world. A lot of that is going on that mainstream media do not show you. Ignore all the ones who bring bad tidings. Follow the ones who bring you good news of good people, creative people, people who contribute to the welfare of the human family.

·         Make a habit to watch yourself, analyze yourself, pay attention, be conscious of what you are thinking about mostly, of your words and what you speak about, be conscious of your actions and behavior. This way you better understand clearly what you are all about and if you see negativity in yourself then you know you have to change that and you know what to do.
·         Whatever you find out about yourself accept it, accept yourself as you are negative or positive or both, and love yourself anyway. Once you have accepted yourself as you are and you like yourself as you are, the good and the bad, you are ready for the change that you wish to see in yourself.

·         The thing is you see, you need to become aware of who you are and what you are, to take notice and to pay attention to yourself. You need to love yourself, to have self confidence. You need to like yourself and who you are. Only then are you able to like and appreciate others.

·         Fill your mind from the moment you wake up in the morning until the last moment before you fall asleep with positive thoughts and affirmations. Feel these emotionally, feel that you are loved with passion, feel the passion in everything you do. Feel and feel and feel again, that you are alive, it's a privilege so enjoy being alive and be grateful that you can experience life.
Too many people walk around laughing and pretending to be happy, who are positive only on the outside, they are plagued with negativity, their inner thoughts and feelings are hate resentment jealousy and low self esteem. Needless to say this is a perfect prescription for serious illness and disease. You want to not only push the negative thoughts away but to really clear your whole system, your heart, your emotional body and your aura, everything about you inside and out needs to be positive.