Acne, medically known as Acne Vulgaris, is a skin disease that involves the oil glands at the base of hair follicles. It commonly occurs during puberty when the sebaceous (oil) glands come to life - the glands are stimulated by male hormones produced by the adrenal glands of both males and females. The word acne comes from the Greek word akme meaning "the highest point". Acne at its most basic is a disorder of the pilosebaceous unit, or what is commonly called the hair follicle or pore. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is the most common skin disorder in the United States.
Acne commonly starts during puberty between the ages of ten (10) and thirteen (13) and tends to be worse in people with oily skin. It is estimated that 80% of eleven (11) to thirty (30) years are affected by Acne. It most commonly develops in the face attacking over 90% of its victims in that particular region, the back affecting 60% and the chest 15%.Teenage Acne usually last for five to ten years, normally clearing out in the early 20s, it occurs in both sexes and all race although teenage boys tend to have more severe cases (probably because Testosterone, which is present in higher quantities in young men can make it worse). Women however are more likely than men to have mild or moderate Acne into their 30s and beyond (over 80% of adult Acne victims are women). This is also most likely due to link between Acne and hormones. Dermatologists describe Acne as a disease of the pilosebaceous units (PSUs).  Found over most of the body. PSUs, consists   of a canal called a follicle, that contains a fine hair. These units are most numerous on the face, upper back and chest. The sebaceous gland makes an oily substance called sebum that normally empties onto the skin surface through the opening of the follicle (commonly called a pore). The hair sebum and KERATINOCYTES (these are cells that line the follicle) that fill the follicle may produce a plug which is an early sign of Acne. The plug prevents sebum from reaching the surface of the skin through the pore. The mixture of oil and cells allows the bacteria PROPIONIBACTERIUM ACNES (p. acnes) that normally live in the skin to grow in the plugged follicle. The bacteria produce chemicals and enzymes and attract white blood cells that cause inflammation. When the wall of the plugged follicle breaks down, it spills everything into the nearby skin sebum, shed skin cells, and bacteria-Leading to Lesions. People with Acne frequently have a variety of lesions. The basic lesion called the COMEDO (KOM-e-do) is simply an enlarged and plugged hair follicle.
TYPES OF LESIONS                                                                         WHITEHEADS:  Whitehead results if the plugged follicle (Comedo) stays beneath the skin.                                                                                                                        
BLACKHEADS: Results when a Comedo reaches the surface of the skin and opens up (it is called a blackhead because it looks black on the skin’s surface).               
PAPULES:  This is an inflamed lesion that usually appears as a small bump on the skin and can be tender to touch-It is a circumscribed, solid elevation of the skin with no visible fluid, and comes in varying sizes. They can be purple, pink or red in color. The papules may be open when scratched and becomes infected and crusty.
PUSTULES (PIMPLES):  Another type of Acne lesion is pustule, it is a small inflamed swelling of the skin that is filled with pus (It is similar to blisters). They may or may not be tender to touch, pustules most commonly occur on the face, chest and areas of increased sweating.
NODULES:  Skin nodules are slightly elevated lesion on or in the skin. They are larger than Papules. The depth of the lesion is more significant than the width. Some are free within the Dermis some are fixed to the skin above or below the Subcutaneous Tissue. Nodules are painful to touch.           
CYSTS:  Cyst is a closed sac, having a distinct membrane and division compared to the nearby tissue. It may contain air, fluids or semi-solid materials. Cysts occur within tissues and can affect any part of the body. They vary in size from microscopic to the size of some team-sport balls.
 Experts believe the primary cause 0f acne is a rise in androgen levels.  Androgen levels rise when a human becomes an adolescent. Rising androgen levels make the oil glands under your skin grow; the enlarged gland produces more oil. Excessive sebum can break down cellular walls in your pores, causing bacteria to grow. Acne skin also produces more dead skin cells than is normal, and those skin cells are not being shed properly (a condition called retention hyperkeratosis). These dead cells stick to the surface of the skin and inside the follicles, mixing with excess oil and creating a Comedo. When the pore becomes blocked by cellular debris and oil, a bacterium that is normally present within the pore grows unchecked. Propionibacteria acnes (P. acnes) are found in great numbers on acneic skin, causing inflamed breakouts. Certain factors have been proven to trigger Acne at different stages in life, they include:   

 Researchers believe that the tendency to develop Acne can be inherited from parents. This is particularly something to consider if you are experiencing adult Acne. Research conducted at the General Infirmary at Leads, department of Dermatology in the UK suggests that family factors are important in determining individual susceptibility to adult facial Acne. Genetic factors may determine the failure of Acne-prone follicles to evolve into Acne-resistant follicles in early adult life. Acne gene is called Retention hyperkeratosis. What this means is that you have inherited the ability to over produce dead skin cells, then improperly shed them when you shouldn’t. This results in abnormally shaped lining of the pore that is prone to clogging, which will eventually result in Acne lesions if nothing is done about it.
Common Acne in teenagers starts with an increase in hormone production. During puberty, both boys and girls produce high levels of androgen which signals the body to make more sebum. According to the America Academy of Dermatology, testosterone works to stimulate oil gland activity, making an oiler skin more prone to Acne break-outs. Androgens are hormones released from the adrenal glands, ovaries and tests. Testosterone is an androgen hormone, while it is typically thought of as a male hormone it is present both in male and female.
Menstrual Acne (a flare up of blemish every month that coincides with menstruation) is fairly common. According to a study published in the archives of Dermatology, 63% of Acne-prone women experience these premenstrual flares. They usually strike about seven(7) to ten (10) days before a woman’s period starts and then subsides as soon as bleeding begins. The average menstrual cycle is 28days. Each of these days is different hormonally. In the first half of a woman’s menstrual cycle, the predominant hormone is Estrogen, whereas Progesterone is predominant in the second half “– OB-GYN- Elizabeth Gutrecht Lyster, MD. The levels of both hormones fall to their lowest level of the month as bleeding approaches. Meanwhile, the male hormone Testosterone (available in small amount in women) stays at a constant level all month. This means that before and during menstruation, Testosterone is relatively higher than the female hormones. These hormonal shifts do all sorts of things to a woman’s skin. Again the mid-cycle Progesterone rise stimulates the production of sebum. And as the levels of progesterone increases, skin cells and pores are compressed shut, as a result pores appear minimized.  This also causes sebum to build up beneath the skin’s surface. Still higher Testosterone levels around menstruation further activate the sebaceous gland to make even more sebum (Sebum yields different effect in different women. For some, it produces a healthy glow, for others, it creates a chronic oil slick, says Kunin Audrey MD of The oil provides food for the bacteria P. acnes. This bacterium causes increased breakouts and inflammation around the time of women’s period.                                                                  
 A bacteria known as Propionbacterium Acnes (P. acnes) is a normal inhabitant of the skin. It uses sebum as a nutrient for growth. People with Acne have more propionbacterium acnes in their follicles than people without acne. The presence of propionbacterium attracts white blood cells to the follicle.  These white blood cells produce enzymes that damage the wall of the follicle, allowing contents of the follicle to enter the dermis. This process causes an inflammatory response seen as papules (red bumps), pustules and nodules. The bacteria also cause the format ion of free fatty acids which are irritants, increasing the inflammatory process in the follicle.
 It is a commonly debunked myth that certain foods cause breakouts, but this is not say that your diet doesn’t matter when it comes to Acne. Diets high in sugar, refined carbohydrates and trans-fats, and low in anti-oxide, create systemic inflammation, which manifests itself in the form of Acne, Rosacea or Premature aging. Diets that is high in pro-inflammatory omega 6-fatty acids, while low in inflammatory- soothing omega 3 can also trigger Acne.

Anxiety and Stress - Mental stress can affect your levels of some hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, which in turn can make Acne worse. Again, stress can make some people binge-eat. Experts believe the culprits are most likely the hormone levels, rather than the binge-eating.                    

Hot and Humid Climates - When it is hot and humid we sweat more. This can make the acne worse.
Oil based Make-ups - Moisturizing creams, lubricating lotions, and all makeup that contains oil can speed up the blocking of your pores. Try as much as you can to avoid such products, water based product are much better.
Greasy hair - Some hair products are very greasy and might have the same effect as oil based makeup. Hair products such as cocoa butter or coconut butter contain much oil. 
Squeezing the pimples - if you try to squeeze pimples your acne is more likely to get worse, plus you risk scarring.                                                                                                 

There are several wrongly assumed causes of Acne. These myths are most likely spread by teenagers or even parent that try to manipulate their young children to stop them from either eating or indulging in certain activities. Some of these myths include:                           
You can catch Acne from someone else- This is completely false as acne is not contagious.
 Masturbation causes Acne- This one is a very popular myth especially with teenagers. But that is definitely not true, there is so far no medical evidence backing such claim. Masturbation doesn't cause acne and neither does sex.  
 Chocolate, pizza, and French fries cause Acne – Though it is true that certain food can increase your risk of acne breakout there is however no prove that pizza or French fries or even chocolate at that causes Acne.