The immune system is a system of biological structures and processes within an organism that protects against disease. To function properly, an immune system must detect a wide variety of agents, from viruses to parasites, worms and distinguish them from the organism’s own health tissues. Your immune system protects you from disease by preventing bacteria and viruses from entering the body. They work by creating all sort of physical barriers to prevent such pathogens from gaining access to your system. Your immune system does a great job of keeping you healthy and preventing infections. Thus problems with the immune system can leave you exposed to all sort of illness and diseases, it is important to keep your immune system fired up and ready for all the day’s action. I'm going to share with you some fast and easy methods to strengthen your immune system quickly. Whether you think you have a strong or weak immune system these tips will help you make sure your immune system is tough, and ready to ward off any potential diseases, cold or flu viruses. These tips are very easy to follow, but do require that you abide by them consistently to give yourself an immune system boost.

1 Eat Healthy
If you want to boost your immune system and keep it strong, it is essential that you eat properly and healthy. This means to eat regularly, and to eat things that are nutritious and beneficial to your health. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables like broccoli, carrots and grapefruits. Broccoli and carrots are great antioxidants, and grapefruits are jam packed with natural vitamin C. It is also very important to avoid foods with unnatural sugar such as soft drinks and candy.
2. Take Immune System Boosting Supplements
Along with all of these immune system boosting tips, it is also a good idea to take a diversified range of quality supplements. I will list some of the best ones here that help strengthen your immune system.
·         Echinacea/Goldenseal
Echinacea and goldenseal often come together. Their work is to boost the immune system, so that when a virus hits, the system is more able to handle it. It is important to take the supplement during times of wellness and increase intake during times of imbalance.
·         Vitamin Formulas
There are several immune boosting vitamin formulas that you can add to water  for a tasty fizzy drink, and there are also sugar free forms for diabetics.
·         Osha Root Tinctures
Osha root is an excellent yet awful tasting way to boost immune system. Try to find a tincture that includes echinacea, mullein leaf, licorice root, elecampane root, oregano leaf, Irish moss and grindelia buds.
·         Grapeseed Extract
Pure Grapeseed extract is a potent way to prevent and fight disease. It helps fight off bacteria that can weaken the immune system.
·         Green Tea
Green tea is a great immune system booster. Green tea contains antioxidant that help keep your cells at their healthiest.
·         Homeopathic Formulas
There are many formulas with zinc, glycine and gluconate which some people use for cold prevention. There are other homeopathic formulas that can be purchased over the counter which are very helpful.
3 Regular Exercises
One of the best and easiest ways to boost your immune system is to exercise as often as possible. Things like jogging, weight lifting, and active sports are great to do, especially during the winter when we are more susceptible to colds and flu viruses. Keeping your body active strengthens your ability to fight off disease, and gets your blood flowing, which allows your body to produce natural antiviral properties.
4 Get Good Sleep and Rest
 Ensure that you’re getting adequate sleep and rest. If you have a long day and then go to the gym, and stay up very late, you are running down your body. Make sure you’re getting good sleep so that your body is recuperated, and your system is boosted and ready to take on the next day.
5 Avoid Alcohol & Smoking
This is an extremely important point. No matter how much good food or supplements you take, if you smoke cigarettes or drink too often, you WILL get sick. Smoking and drinking alcohol destroys your fragile natural body defenses. Even if you boost up your immune system over a long period of time, just a couple of drinks or smokes will bring it right back down to a weak immune system. There are no two ways about it, you have to avoid smoking and or drinking. This might not be easy if you’re a seasoned smoker or drinker, but it is well worth the try.
6 Lead a Healthy Clean Life
Staying clean and washing your hands regularly may seem obvious, but a lot of people do forget. Don't forget to wash your hands, it is easy. It is a fact that the majority of people get sick because of being in public areas, as this makes you vulnerable to germs. If you’re going to the gym or doing sports, don't forget to take a bath or shower as soon as possible after, and to wash your clothes and equipment.
7 Try to Avoid Stress
Stress is an immune system killer. You may not realize it but all those stressful things that happen during your day can run down your system. Try to avoid all unnecessary stressful moments. This one can be hard to master but you'll love your life if you do.